I truly don't have much to remember in the morning before I start a productive day at work. After docking my laptop I only have to remember 17 different passwords for my network, lotus notes, voicemail, harddrive lock, sametime connect and unique identifier user name and password. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to finite mathematics and probability when I was in school. Because there is NO way I can bet the odds that any of my passwords will be typed in accurately the first dozen times.
WARNING: Use upper and lower Case, include 2.3 numbers with each 10 letters ensuring that you don't use any part of your name, the current company, your pet's name or the first 26 letters of the english alphabet are only a few of my constraints before I have to remember why I logged in initially. Thank the character gods that my cap lock button doesn't work all the time or I would have to double check to figure out why I was locked out of my word document for not properly key stroking the words
#*$&#@%*$ it. I have a suggestion for you next time you ask ME for a password.
GO VERIFY your OWN Mother's Maiden name.
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